Counterparty Credit Risk

CCP costs keep creeping up

While US regulators consult the industry over the exemption of foreign exchange products, the systemic risks and increasing costs of using central counterparty (CCP) clearers continue to be highlighted.

CFTC rules increase credit risk

NEW YORK - Proposed rules to limit leverage on margin FX trading accounts at retail forex brokers will have the unintended consequence of increasing counterparty risk, according to Josh Levy, managing director at Tactical Asset Management.

The challenges of CVA

The onset of the financial crisis spurred banks to charge for counterparty credit risk in their forex dealings. But how to do that is proving theoretically and practically challenging. By John Ferry

Europe excluded from CCP talks

The exclusion of European Union institutions from a technical working group set up to review risk management standards for central counterparties (CCPs) could make it difficult for the EU to reflect those standards in its forthcoming legislation on over…

An imbalanced proposition

At the time of going to press, decisions on the future of the foreign exchange markets was still hanging in the balance, as regulators in the US debated the inclusion of forex swaps and forwards into the over-the-counter derivatives reforms.